Chocolate & Controversy

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Freedom Of Speech

I don't know what to say, I mean, this blog thing is amazing, It's an outlet like no other. Even when you know that just your friends are reading it, at least you've made your statement for the day and can rest assured that you got your message across... somehow.
I love it and do it all the time as my fellow bloggers would agree. I mean the internet is a medium unlike any other. It has challanged many societies to either get with the game or get left behind.
But then, a fellow blogger gets attacked for his freedom of expression. I do not take this threat lightly as it is a call to censor bloggers - the only true voice coming out of Kuwait. Tata is one. Freedom of speech is, again, a basic human right.
Iran has recently arrested a prominent blogger and jailed him for almost a decade for expressing himself. Isn't that scary? I mean we are not Iran but how far away are we?
We are becoming more and more of a conservative society and I wonder if we are about to be censored.
I feel like it's an attack on the blogging community.

The constitution protects us. Stay proud and stay loud.

Music: Sleeps With Butterflies - Tori Amos


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