Chocolate & Controversy

Saturday, November 27, 2004


Although it's an American thing that came about through a history of torture and theft. I do love the general air of Thanksgiving. So, I am just gonna go ahead and states what I am thankful for.

I am thankful for my friends, Mariah Carey, winter mornings, doritos, my co-workers, all things modern, dancefloors, The Jackson family, funny girls, casanova & neo, my new place, the UK charts, everything digital, my sister, Ani DiFranco, living in the UK, the brown warm coat, my high school, living in the states, Margaret Cho, my fabulous cousin, Ibiza, smart lesbians, Fiona Apple, my hags, orange juice, my family, adamant liberals, great autobiographies, my artsy cousin, my previous relationships, chocolate, great tans, remixes, Barcelona, this blog, my paranoia, chalet, London, drag queens, Madonna, fishing, my community, fluffy carpets, money, my college years, Italian wine, New York City, Michael Moore, Club Heaven, holistic peeps, my housemate, Brandy, TopShop, open-minded peers, Amaretto, traveling, Anfal, coming out, Pop Idol, my little bro, jokes, my education, Amsterdam, my grandparents, Whoopi Goldberg, late nights, being me, the 8o's, Chicago, white chocolate, Jill Scott, smoked salmon, Diesel, Miami, Bjork, boys with great smiles, dancing, divas, Air (the gas and the band), girls who are not afraid to speak their minds, outspoken free spirits, MSN messenger, from-a-distance stalkers, Sarah McLachlan, my boss, Puma shoes, wicked gatherings, after parties, graduation, professors and teachers who thought out of the box, BGP, Monique, my car, The Spice Girls, lounges, The Discovery Channel, camels, Desi-ness, singles, my diary, the 90's, Aaliyah, Kuwaiti sun, coffee, history, amd the list goes on...

remind me if I have forgotten anything or anyone.

Music: 32 Flavors - Alana Davis

Friday, November 05, 2004

The New Hitler

Still can't believe Bush won. I hate this. Now, what happens to all the people of Iraq, the poor people in the States, The soldiers coerced into military, the gay people, the ethnic people and women. Bush is the new Hitler.

Music: Criminal - Fiona Apple

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

This Bush Is Not Green

Today is of great loss to humanity. How could this happen? How could anyone go to the voting booth and submit, with pride, a vote to a criminal. Ralph Nader said that if he were to be President he would put Bush and Cheney on trial for war crimes, which should happen. Everyone is saying that the USA is JesusLand now. Well, to me, it is more like KKK Land because even Christianity does not allow such absurd acts.
Whatever, have your country and your moral beliefs. I hope that everyone who voted for Bush that they have ruined many people's lives. It comes as no surprise that under-educated suburbanites voted for him. Check this out.

Music: God's Country - Ani DiFranco

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Vote For Love

The day comes. I feel taht all the world should vote in this election. This election effects all the world not just the US. It effects Kuwait just as much if not more.

Kuwaities who reason thier advocacy of Bush on the fact that his father "freed" our country are not well-informed and somewhat idiotic. I am sure Bush Sr. helped Kuwait as a humanitarian not because we have oil. I see them running to Sudan for the Darfur incident. Yes, that was sarcasm (I had to explain to all the Bush advocates and pre-schoolers alike).Get a grip and think globally.

Vote Kerry! (because the chances of Nader and other great candidates of winning are nil).

Music: Crickets Sing For Anamaria - Emma Bunton

Monday, November 01, 2004

Lesbian Thespian

Yes, Dick Cheney your daughter is a lesbian.
Yes, Lynn Cheney your daughter is a lesbian.

There's nothing wrong with it. Don't try to hide it. Embrace it, its a great thing.
I can't believe how they reacted to the fact that Kerry outed his daughter, who was already out. I wonder how she feels being the daughter of a guy who is a homophobe that is working against the community, I guess if the money is good for the richest 2% then she can shut up delightfully and act like you agree with Dick, in more ways than one.

Music: Constant Craving - KD Lang