Chocolate & Controversy

Monday, December 06, 2004

Seperation Of Mosque And State

A constitution should never be linked directly under a religion. Religion is something you believe in for yourself and chose to implement on your daily life. If you are Muslim - work on yourself and do not enforce your beliefs on anyone else. Also, do not assume everyone is just like you. Many people have different definitions of religion. So if you want to have a long beard and a knee-length dishdasha, then do so. But do not tell me how to live and how to lead my beliefs. There are Kuwaiti christians and there were Kuwaiti jews who left for fear of being ostracized. There are also many Kuwaiti athiests and agnostics who do not speak up because they are afraid of prosecution. When a liberal disagress with you they usually have a live and let live perspective, but when an Islamist disagrees with you then, in most cases, they retort to violence. That's why I think laws should not come from religion they should come from the well-educated people of the country.

Music: Kind & Generous - Natalie Merchant


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